Massive use of clean – most often renewable – energy sources for electricity generation will enable extensive electrification and the development towards a carbon-neutral energy system. Sector integration, i.e., integration of the energy carriers (electricity, gaseous fuels, liquid fuels, heat) utilising efficient conversion technologies, side streams, and various types of energy storages, is the cornerstone of this development. The integration of other energy vectors and storages provide necessary flexibility to the power system.
In addition to the energy system, these technologies also support the decarbonisation of the industry, transport, and building stock. Moreover, they provide new business opportunities based on e.g. derivatives of H2 and CO2.
Finland belongs to the global forerunners in energy system development. We also have a strong culture of collaboration between companies and universities, and CLIC Innovation aims at enhancing this public-private partnership.
The project portfolio of CLIC Innovation’s Energy theme aims at demonstrating scalable solutions for flexible energy systems. The target setting includes the following aspects:
- Sector integration, energy conversion processes, and energy storages
- Resource efficient energy system
- Solutions for widely electrified society
- Resilience of energy systems
- Understanding of and scenarios on regulation, market models, and services in different energy markets
The research portfolio consists of variety of projects from academic research to R&D and demonstration which support the target setting.
Read more about our Energy Strategy and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) from 2019. As the energy markets went through lots of changes and energy technology advanced faster than expected, we also published a SRIA Energy 2022 Update.
Finland promotes clean sustainable energy solutions in a spirit of openness and co-creation. See how we do it.
Contact person:

Pia Salokoski
Head of Energy, currently Coordinator of the Hydrogen Cluster Finland
Tel. +358 400 476 626