Project coordination is essential for any consortium projects to succeed. We offer tailored project coordination services for projects in energy, circular economy and bioeconomy themes. Please ask for a quote for your consortium’s project coordination needs! The basic project coordination service package includes the following:
- Organisation of project steering group meetings, including preparation of agendas, meeting arrangements, meeting attendance and minutes.
- Facilitating dialogue between the consortium partner companies and researchers
- Organisation of project meetings, including meeting preparation, participation and agreed follow-up tasks
- Planning and implementing the project’s annual result seminar
- Creation and management of a web-based and secure project workspace to facilitate internal project communication, document management and information sharing using, e.g., Microsoft Teams or Sharepoint, if needed
- Monitoring the progress of work packages and managing the project schedule
- Facilitating interaction and collaboration between work packages
- Monitoring and managing project risks
- Guiding, supporting and coordinating the consortium’s project reporting
- Production of an internal final report of the project in electronic format: design, coordination of content production, editing, illustration, language correction, layout
- Managing the funding partner liaisons and dialogue
- Provision of the following tools for practical arrangements and facilitation: e.g., Webropol, Padlet, MIRO
Do you need other support services for ecosystem management, co-creation, project communication, dissemination or exploitation activities? We offer different service packages separately or as a part of project management package for your needs. Ask us for an offer.
