PLASTin is progressing according to plan

The ALL-IN for Plastics Recycling (PLASTin) project started in spring 2020. PLASTin is the first project to be launched under the 4Recycling ecosystem.

PLASTin was established to support the plastic industry actors to develop systemic, and environmentally optimized recycling concepts.

The project is now about halfway through, and results have already been obtained.  

The future plastic waste material flows have been studied by VTT and the report is published. Report on enabling technologies for pre-sorting and pretreatment of plastics by VTT as well, will be published soon. 

LUT has studied the life-cycle environmental impacts of different recovery options (energy, mechanical recycling and chemical recycling) of liquid board packaging repulping reject and especially plastics. The study has been conducted as a master’s thesis and a scientific article is under review.  

International co-operation has been started by collecting information on LPB recycling in European countries from collaboration partners abroad.  

More information 

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