GreenE2 ecosystem is an open innovation ecosystem, funded by Business Finland and orchestrated by CLIC Innovation, to enable the process of transition to green electrification. The ecosystem vision is to create sustainable societies built on clean energy sources. The ecosystem assembles large companies, research organizations, public institutions and SMES to produce various outputs to realize this vision. CLIC has organized several workshops aimed to develop purpose and targets, to understand ecosystem partner expectations as well as the ecosystem principles.
In May, we organized a market shaping workshop where participants from private energy companies and research institutions identified the factors that need to be shaped, partners who can collaborate, and the hostile actors in the transition process to green electrification. The discussions were organized across our four energy focus areas : Hydrogen production, infrastructure and utilization, Deployment of P2X & CCU solutions, Sector integration technologies and value chains, and Enhanced system level efficiency and security. Two critical factors identified in all the four focus areas were changes in regulation to support the transition and strategy for communication to reach out to end customers. Currently, we are collecting feedback from individual experts on the workshop outputs to develop amarket shaping activity plan. As regulation was identified as a critical aspect during the workshop, we plan to conduct a series of GreenE2 regulation node meetings this autumn to develop policy suggestions to public actors.
GreenE2 ecosystem also held a communication workshop on 8th of June. The target is to create communication narratives for four different target groups about green energy transition. These storylines/messages can then be utilized by all interested organizations involved in the green energy transition. We identified four target groups: B2Businesses, policymakers, consumers, and investors. The brief to selected PR agencies will be prepared based on the findings from the workshop to create these narratives in the autumn.
In June, we continued the work with our research, development and innovation (RDI) Roadmaps, first developed in 2021. Due to the recent changes in our operational environments, such as the war in Europe, CLIC is updating the RDI roadmaps for green electrification during this summer and early autumn. On the 1st of June, we addressed the focus areas of Hydrogen and P2X. On the 16th of June, we focused on sector integration as well as system efficiency. Next, we will review the results from the workshops and arrange additional expert meetings to develop them further. The updated RDI roadmaps will be published in autumn 2022 and will guide the direction of future projects in green electrification.
Thank you for your participation in all our workshops. If you are interested in participating in RDI Roadmap work or Regulation Node meetings, please contact Merie Kannampuzha or Oleg Todorov (contact information below).