EU proposals submitted for two projects in bioeconomy

EU proposals submitted

Deadlines for EU Call proposals have kept the stakeholders busy during the last months. CLIC submitted two proposals to BBI JU Calls as part of European consortia as well. Engage4Bio project will be aiming at supporting regional development of bioeconomy through education, awareness rising and roadmaps.  

TREASoURcE will concentrate on developing systemic circular economy solutions in cities and regions for plastics, batteries and bio-based waste and side streams. 

Our focus frame in the Engage4Bio project will be in sustainable packaging where we will work with Metropolia, Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council and of course with CLIC networks.  

In TREASoURcE, CLIC would be in charge especially of dissemination and industry involvement. Engage4Bio was coordinated by ZSI and TREASoURcE by VTT. Both decisions are expected in February 2022. 

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