Aila Maijanen
Head of Bioeconomy, currently Executive Officer for IBC Finland ry
Tel. +358 50 375 1182

Pia Salokoski
Head of Energy, currently Coordinator of the Hydrogen Cluster Finland
Tel. +358 400 476 626

Tel. +358 10 200 1870
Visiting Address
CLIC Innovation Ltd
Eteläranta 10, 5th floor
FI-00130 Helsinki
Invoicing Address
CLIC Innovation Oy, 2689612-4
1) Electronic Invoices
Electronic invoice address: 003726896124
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)
Operator while sending invoices via Bank network: DABAFIHH
2) Reception of invoices via e-mail by the scanning service
The invoice must contain the following address data:
CLIC Innovation Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan
The invoices must be sent as e-mail attachments in PDF format (max. 5 MB per file) to the following address: 26896124@scan.netvisor.fi
3) Paper invoice scanning service
The invoice and the envelope must contain the following address data:
CLIC Innovation Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan