We heard great presentations from academia (Aalto University, ETLA) and real-life business cases (Virta Ltd, Maas Global, Motiva/Materiaalitori, Tampere city).
Robin Gustafsson from Aalto University pointed out that indirect revenues offer huge opportunities for industrial companies with platform economy solutions. Instead of getting revenue from sales, you get revenue from somebody else’s sales (like Apple taking 30 % cut from content).
Timo Seppälä from ETLA (pictured above) talked about the necessity of data sharing strategy, which many times does not exist in the companies strategy.
Elias Pöyry from Virta Ltd shared their experiences with winning e-platform solution. The winning solution offers direct access to customers, new capabilities, allows sharing of the costs etc. He also talked about how EV’s are enabling large scale energy flexibility.
Karoliina Tuukkanen from the city of Tampere shared their circular economy sharing platform experiences. She emphasized the importance of cooperation between private and public organizations.
Ilkka Hippinen talked about their experiences with Materiaalitori sharing platform and shared the latest developments. Materiaalitori will also start working as matchmaking platform between different circular economy expert pools soon.
Sampo Hietanen (pictured below) from MaasGlobal talked about scaling platform services globally and how Maas allows sustainable business models that benefit from all aspects of mobility.
See all the presentation videos and material from the event here.