Coatings and composites from novel biobased dispersions – COCOBIN

Coatings and composites from novel biobased dispersions – COCOBIN – project has been accepted for funding by Business Finland.

The project preparation, involving both researchers and industry stakeholders, started following the CLIC ProjectBooster in the spring 2023. Two large workshops were held between June and September, and the project proposal has been submitted to Business Finland on January 30, 2024.

The focus of the COCOBIN project is to enable biobased materials to become competitive alternatives for dispersion and composite formulations in the markets currently dominated by fossil-based polymers.

The project develops new multicomponent dispersion and composite technologies for fiber-based barrier packaging applications and other industrially attractive end-uses. The initiative includes a comprehensive plan to scale up the developed multicomponent dispersions, coatings, binders and adhesives from the laboratory stage to pilot-scale. The project focuses on the utilization of bio-based materials, which contributes to society’s transition to a circular bioeconomy based on recyclable, non-toxic and biodegradable raw materials.


Aila Maijanen

Aila Maijanen

Head of Bioeconomy, currently Executive Officer for IBC Finland ry

Tel. +358 50 375 1182