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GreenE² ecosystem second phase funded

Business Finland gave a positive funding decision to CLIC’s Green Electrification Ecosystem, GreenE².

In phase two, we are planning to continue all of the started activities within the four GreenE² themes. Market shaping activities will be implemented according to previously created market shaping action plan, while RDI roadmaps will help guide the focus of our co-innovation project preparation work. We will keep up with the Regulation Node meetings and following policy briefs, as regulation is still being developed. Communication narrative work will also continue, especially in disseminating the materials already created. GreenE² will be expanded within Finland but involving more international actors.


First phase of the ecosystem started in 2020 and lasted 2,5 years. During that time, the ecosystem grew significantly and implemented meaningful activities to boost and make sense of green electrification.

We organised workshops to develop RDI roadmaps and market shaping activity plans together with research institutes and companies. Ever-changing regulation was discussed together in Regulation Node workshops. In addition, we started tackling the communication challenge of complex topics by making unbranded, free-use communication material about Power-2-X.

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