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CEIWA Result Seminar learnings

What an incredible journey it has been! The CEIWA (Circular economy of water in industrial processes) project, funded by Business Finland, reached its zenith in our result seminar. Here are some key takeaways and shared learnings from these groundbreaking interdisciplinary industrial waters project.

Opening Remarks by Anu Kettunen, Teollisuuden vesi: Anu began by sharing her initial hesitation about joining this co-innovation project, only to be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. CEIWA has fostered a profoundly positive spirit, encouraging open discussions. Even when disagreements arose, the atmosphere remained polite and constructive. The project has truly embodied the essence of open innovation.

Insights from Matti Vilkko, University of Tampere: Matti reminded us of water’s multifaceted nature. It serves as an excellent carrier and platform for various reactions. The project’s focus on understanding the factors influencing wastewater quality has led to extensive interdisciplinary learnings. Collaboration among project participants has been key to the progress.

Perspectives from Tiina Paloniitty, University of Helsinki: Tiina shed light on the misalignment between EU environmental regulations and the EU Green Deal policy aimed at green and digital transformation. While strict environmental norms drive technological innovation, they can also hinder its practical application. Tiina proposed the concept of regulatory sandboxes—temporary spaces where environmental regulations are relaxed—to break this gridlock.

Susanna Kaavi’s Comparative Research: Susanna Kaavi from the University of Helsinki presented insightful research on the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in different EU member states: Sweden, Germany, Austria, and England & Wales. Her work explored how these nations have adapted to the requirements of the directive.

The CEIWA project has truly been a collaborative journey, where diverse perspectives and expertise have converged to address industrial water challenges. We look forward to further discussions and actions to drive innovation and sustainability in this critical domain. Stay tuned for more updates and news about possible new water projects! The project final report has been published and can be downloaded here.

Read more about CEIWA project here.

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