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Project preparation workshop on renewable binders and coatings on 20 June

paintbrush painting
Discussions with industry and academia partners are starting to develop a collaboration project around the topic “Renewable binders, coatings and ultra-high multilayer coatings”. The topic derives from the Bioeconomy and 4Recycling ProjectBooster 2023 pitching topic “Renewable binders, coatings and bio-based glues”. 

The next steps in project preparation are 

  • Project preparation workshop on Tue June 20, 2023 in Hervanta, Tampere and Teams.
    Registration is open until Tue June 13, 2023. Link to registration.  
  • Formulation of research topics and work package structure.
  • Conversations with potential consortium members. 

CLIC welcomes all parties interested in this topic to join the project and to contribute towards the breakthrough innovations for enabling biobased circular bioeconomy in Finland. 

If interested in joining, please contact Tiina or Aila. 

Contact information:
Aila Maijanen,
Tiina Witikkala,

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