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Energy transition through partnerships and ecosystems

GreenE2 and CET Partnership are two ways for CLIC to take part in green energy transition – the fundamental shift in the way we produce and consume energy to mitigate climate change and reduce environmental impacts. It involves transitioning from fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, and natural gas) to more widespread adoption of sustainable renewable energy sources (like wind and solar), and energy efficiency measures.

Green Electrification ecosystem (GreenE2) – to facilitate and speed up the energy transition

The second phase of the GreenE2 ecosystem began in early 2023 and will continue until June 2025. It will be carried out in close cooperation with industry and academia, as well as in alignment with the objectives and projects of the ‘Veturi’ lead companies and the ecosystems linked to them.

The GreenE2 ecosystem has identified the following key areas for development: 1) Hydrogen production, infrastructure, and utilization, 2) Deployment of P2X and CCU solutions, 3) Sector integration technologies and value chains and 4) Enhanced system-level efficiency, resilience, and security. Under these main topics, projects and even programs will be developed in collaboration with our partners. We will also prepare applications for co-innovation funding, for example, from Business Finland.

Regulation Node discussions for the evolving policy environment

In the area of policy and regulations, the EU and governments play a vital role in facilitating the transition through policies, incentives, and regulations that promote the adoption of renewable energy and discourage the use of fossil fuels. These policies and regulations will be followed during the GreenE2 project, and a series of Regulation Node events will be organized to report and discuss the main energy-related topics extensively.

CET Partnership – energy RDI by pooling European research funding

Clean Energy Transition Partnership first projects from joint call 2022 are in the contract negotiations and this year’s call is open. National funding from 30 countries are pooled to tackle energy related challenges for 7 focus areas, from energy systems to renewable energy technologies, from heating and cooling to carbon capture. CLIC is leading the office of TRI6 Integrated Industrial Energy Systems, as well as the Impact work for the whole partnership – helping to reach exploitation of project results with the toolbox developed.

Industry decarbonization while adding flexibility to energy systems

CET Partnership TRI6 Industrial Energy Systems is seeking to fund projects developing industrial processes to reduce emissions while considering the energy system coupling. When the green electricity to fuel decarbonization is dominated by variable renewables, wind and solar, the flexibility demands for power and energy sector increase. All flexibility that can be extracted from industrial processes in future will be extremely valuable for the power system – as well as cost effective for the industry with the volatile electricity prices.

Impact and exploitation – the crucial outcome of research

For years, a challenge for RDI projects has been the difficulty of transitioning project results and solutions into actual businesses. CLIC has developed tools for use in the GreenE2 ecosystem and CET Partnership to assist projects in pre-commercializing their solutions and results, thereby expediting the time to market. Shared open workshops for the projects will be offered for capacity building and enhancing the development of their solutions, ensuring a smoother, well-prepared, and faster transition into the business realm. CLIC has prepared “Playbook for open innovation” co-creation facilitated workshops to create opportunities to work on market analysis, customer value propositions, and even business models.

For more information on GreenE2, please contact Risto Sormunen,

For more information on CETP, please contact Hannele Holttinen,

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